For those of you who dont know us personally, Jude is Alden's (slightly) older brother. They are 15 months apart. Jude doesn't remember life before Alden and as scary as having two little ones so close together was just after Alden's birth, it has worked out so nicely for our family. I remember shortly after Alden's diagnosis being just as devastated for Jude as I was for Alden. Honestly maybe even more so for him. I never wanted Jude to feel left out or second fiddle because things would be so different for each of them. We worked our way through the muddy waters of parenting which is hard enough on its own but really difficult when you are parenting one nuerotypical and one nuerodiverse. We tackled our fair share of questions but Jude has ALWAYS been SO loving, kind and understanding with Alden and with us as we explain how despite their close age there are different expectations for each. Jude has always been an old soul and we have always told him what a beaut...
wifey, boy mom, autism momma, massage therapist, sunday school teacher, writer.....the list goes on and on. If you're wearing 20 different hats too, lets be a hot mess together! This is the place to share the good, the bad, and the ugly. No sugar coating here! Some day's I'm running strong on coffee and Jesus, other days I'm doing good to keep everyone alive